July 10th CCPS BOE vote against two more books

We are not surprised with the result of the BOE vote last night, but we are dissapointed. CCPS BOE is working diligently to try to negate our friends and neighbors. We appreciate Ms. Battaglia and Dr. Dorsey for their support. If we want change we need to make it. There is a very important election in November that will allow CCPS to have a balanced Board of Education that will focus on the important topics and not these culture wars. Please research Muri Lynn Dueppen for Board of Education and Amanda Jozkowski for Carroll County Board of Education platforms. slate4studentsuccess.com

I will leave you with this quote from Elenor Roosevelt - "We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down."


A great opinion piece from the Washington Post


Maryland Health Curriculum under attack by Mom’s for liberty