Update Time… See the most recent news below.

Dear Friends, 

Hopefully you are busy enjoying your summer, so you may have missed some recent news in Carroll County.  Don’t worry, we’ll catch you up!

1.       The Carroll County Public Library Board of Trustees voted unanimously to remain fine-free.  CCPL staff completed a comprehensive study which supported that decision.  



2.       In July, the Carroll County Board of Education voted to exclude 2 books from the state family life curriculum because the books briefly mention that “some families have two moms or two dads.” The 3-2 vote came after contentious discussion and despite overwhelming public support for the books.  One of the Board members, who is affiliated with an anti-LGBTQ group, argued that the books should be rejected for containing “controversial” ideas.  




3.       A local parent appealed the exclusion of these two books to the State Board of Education, arguing that it was unlawful discrimination under federal and state education rules. 



4.       Another parent appealed the local Board of Education’s January decision to ban any books deemed “sexually explicit,” on the basis that the policy is so broad it infringes on students’ First Amendment rights.  The State Board concluded that while it is too early to tell if the policy is unconstitutional, they had serious concerns about the breadth of the ban, which arguably includes science textbooks, classic works of literature, and the dictionary.  They left the door open for additional appeals, particularly if the policy is applied in a manner that is discriminatory or inconsistent with legal requirements.   



Thank you for making your voices heard!  When we stand up for the freedom to read and learn, we make a difference!!!

Move Carroll Forward*

*Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook


CCPS Health Curriculum - PLEASE READ


CCPL will remain fine-free